I'm proud to offer you laser dentistry for the treatment of many types of cavities. The laser works by emitting a specialized light that targets and destroys dental decay.
Drills are very powerful, and the vibration and the large hole produced can cause discomfort, making some type of anesthesia almost always necessary. With a laser, the light works to destroy and remove decay with no uncomfortable tooth vibration and resulting discomfort. Because the laser is so precise, the decayed part of the tooth often can be selectively removed, leaving a more healthy part of the tooth. Rather than that loud drilling sound, you hear only a gentle tapping.
Laser treatment has proven to be appropriate and safe in over tens of thousands of applications throughout the world, and works well for young children as well as adults. Laser of technology allows us to take the fear out of going to the dentist and gets the patient actively involved in their own dental care.